The Effects Of “Toxic Employees” In Your Organisation

By Julie Goh

Toxic employees can be detrimental to any company, and they can emerge from any level of the hierarchy, from management to regular employees. They are those individuals in a workplace environment who consistently display behaviour that negatively impacts their colleagues, their team, or the overall work atmosphere. Their presence can wreak havoc on the team dynamics, leading to a range of damaging consequences. From undermining team morale to triggering conflicts, the impact of toxic behaviour is far-reaching, ultimately affecting the company's overall performance.

Some of the damages caused by toxic employees are :-

  • Erosion of Team Morale: Toxic employees can significantly lower the morale and enthusiasm of the entire team, leading to a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and disengagement.
  • Diminished Productivity: Their negative behaviour and attitude can disrupt workflow, reduce productivity, and hinder the overall efficiency of the team.
  • High Turnover Rates: Continuous exposure to toxic behaviour can drive away talented employees, leading to increased turnover rates and subsequent recruitment costs.
  • Increased Conflicts: Toxic employees often trigger conflicts and disagreements among team members, creating a divisive and tension-filled work environment.
  • Cultural Deterioration: Their actions can contribute to the deterioration of the company culture, fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and resentment among employees.
  • Elevated Stress Levels: Working alongside toxic individuals can elevate stress levels, affecting the mental and emotional well-being of other employees.
  • Victimisation and Isolation: They may engage in practices that victimise or isolate certain team members, leading to a breakdown in communication and collaboration.
  • Damage to Company Reputation: The negative impact of toxic employees can extend beyond the workplace, tarnishing the company's reputation and making it less attractive to potential employees and clients.
  • Loss of Talent: The presence of toxic employees can drive away high-performing individuals who seek a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Decreased Employee Satisfaction: Toxic behaviour can significantly reduce overall employee satisfaction, leading to a decline in commitment and loyalty to the company.

As companies strive for success, addressing the issue of toxic employees becomes crucial to fostering a healthy and positive work environment.


There are various types of toxic behaviour that can permeate a workplace:

  1. The 'Office Gossip' : This employee thrives on spreading rumours and drama, creating an atmosphere of mistrust and disharmony.
  2. The 'Chronic Negativist' : Pessimism and negativity follow this individual, dampening team morale and obstructing progress.
  3. The 'Credit Thief' : This toxic personality unjustly claims credit for others' hard work, leading to resentment and a breakdown of team collaboration.
  4. The 'Narcissist' : Such employees often prioritise their own needs and recognition above the team's goals, leading to an imbalance in the workplace dynamic.
  5. The 'Micromanager' : These individuals often have control issues and tend to excessively monitor and control the work of their subordinates, leading to a lack of autonomy and trust within the team.
  6. The 'Passive Aggressor' : This type of employee may appear polite on the surface but often expresses hostility and negativity through indirect means, creating tension and conflict within the team.

Recognising these toxic employee archetypes is crucial as their presence can significantly impact team morale, hinder productivity, and deteriorate the overall organisational culture.


Let us now look at effective strategies for addressing toxic behaviours in the workplace and fostering a culture of positivity and collaboration:

  1. Open Communication Channels : Encourage transparent and honest communication, providing employees with a safe space to express their concerns and share feedback without fear of retribution.
  2. Establishing Clear Boundaries : Set clear boundaries and expectations for appropriate workplace behaviour, emphasising the importance of mutual respect and professionalism in all interactions. Do not condone toxic behaviour!
  3. Providing Constructive Feedback : Offer constructive feedback and guidance to employees exhibiting toxic behaviours, focusing on specific instances and providing actionable steps for improvement.
  4. Implementing Conflict Resolution Mechanisms : Establish effective conflict resolution processes to address disputes promptly and impartially, preventing prolonged tensions from escalating and disrupting the overall work environment.
  5. HR's Role in Fostering Positivity : Under no circumstances should HR participate in or condone any form of toxic behaviour; HR must set a precedent for upholding a supportive and respectful work culture.

By proactively addressing toxic behaviours and promoting a culture of open communication, mutual respect, and constructive feedback, organisations can cultivate a more positive and supportive work environment, fostering collaboration and productivity. Join us tomorrow as we explore the importance of fostering a healthy work-life balance and employee well-being.

Toxic employees” exist in many companies – if not, almost all companies. Whether as employers, you choose to take proactive measures to reduce the damage or to ignore it as a "personal matter", the choice is yours. But there is no doubt that when these “toxic employees” exist in your workforce, they will cause more harm than good in the long run.