[Kakitangan.com] Monthly Newsletter for February 2024

Kakitangan.com newsletter 5/3/2024. View it in your browser 
Dear friends of Kakitangan.com,
1. New Feature - SST % selection is available in Claims module
In the Claims module, we have added 8% as another SST% option in accordance with the national fiscal announcement, in effective from March 2024.
Users now have the choice between 6%, 8%, and 10% options based on the expenses in the sales and services sector. (The release for the web and app will be effective starting on March 1st, 2024)
 2. New Feature: Claims limit balance is now available for viewing
We have newly added the claim limit balance field for single claims, monthly limits, and yearly limits in each claim category. (It is available in the web and app now)
3. New Feature: Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) is added to new payment type page
Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) Benefit is recently added into the new payment type page as an optional perquisite item.
For those are practicing ESOS, may consider exploring how this new addition may help to reduce your processing time on ESOS. (It is available in the web now)
4. Form E (C.P.8D) submission
CP8D is the file upload for Form E. The portal opens every year at 1 March. ​
Location of portal: MyTax https://mytax.hasil.gov.my/ ​

Previously if you have not uploaded e-data praisi before, you may go ahead and upload CP8D now – it's faster, (check our e-data praisi/CP8D upload screenshots in the link below). Otherwise move forward.​
Then you can do form E submission now. The deadline is 31 March. ​

After your form E has completed, let your staff know they can proceed with their BE/B assessment on their LHDN portal account. It should follow your form E data but they can edit (especially they have multiple form E from different companies). They deadline of doing so is 30 April.​

If you uploaded CP8D and completed form E process below, then realize there is an error, email CP8D@hasil.gov.my to ask them on your needed change. Remember put your e-majikan, company name and the requirement of change / updated CP8D.
You can read more at our Form E guide here:
How to get EA/E form done? (kakitangan.com)
5. Upcoming events of the month
This month we will conduct another physical training as part of our Kakitangan.com Community Series event.

We are happy to get our HR Sifu, Mr. YK Lai from HR Edge, specialising in industrial relations (employer-employee relations). He will be sharing tips on hiring employees with the correct process and firing employee legally. 
As usual, our friendly and helpful advisors from EPF are joining us to educate employers on their responsibilities. You are welcome to meet them physically and raise any questions you have. 
Join us on 26 Mar 2024, 10am at WORQ KL Sentral (thanks to our venue sponsor, WORQ, the best coworking space in Malaysia!) and we will be sharing great tips about hiring and firing, EPF-related knowledge, and HR & Payroll digitalisation.    
We have limited seats still available, so sign up today to secure your spot.
Click on below link to register now:
If you wish to schedule a 1:1 Industrial Relation consultation, you may also book an appointment with Mr. YK Lai. Make sure you have subscribed to any of our modules to enjoy FREE HR Sifu consultation service.
You can get your free booking slots here:
HR Sifu | HR Experts Consultation Malaysia | Kakitangan.com
You may email us at hrsifu@kakitangan.com if you wish to obtain your login ID (this login is different from your kakitangan.com account). 
See you soon at our office! 
6. Trainings for the month of March 2024
Please see below the usual monthly FREE online trainings for the month of March 2024:
a) Payroll 101 training with EPF advisers (Bahasa Malaysia version)
Date & Time:  12 & 13 Mar 2024, 10:30am - 12:30pm
b) Kakitangan.com System Onboarding Training (Mandarin version)
Date & Time: 21 Mar 2024, 10:30am - 12:30pm
c) Kakitangan.com System Onboarding Training (Bahasa Malaysia version)
Date & Time: 21 Mar 2024, 2:30pm - 4:30pm
d) Kakitangan.com System Onboarding Training (English version)
Date & Time:  28 Mar 2024, 2:30am - 4:30pm
7. Payment of Statutory Contribution/Deductions: Bank vs Portal
On a monthly basis, employers have to submit contribution/deduction payments to the statutory bodies. Sometimes, you might wonder shall you pay via bank's website or directly with the statutory bodies' portal.
We have prepared a blog write up about tips on submitting the payment and it is in Bahasa Malaysia! Hope the write up helps!
Read more here:
Do you know that Kakitangan.com's payroll module can generate the payment files (in .txt format) within seconds? 

Be it payment via bank's website or statutory bodies' portal, we've got you covered! 
8. Testimonial Interview with Skribble.me
We are happy to meet up with our customer, Mr Chan Leong, Founder & CEO of Skribble group. 
Before using Kakitangan.com, they used manual calculations for payroll and manual process for expense claims too. With Kakitangan.com, they are able to automate all the manual works they used to process and save lots of time, including EA forms.
"Kakitangan.com is a system that can grow together with you, even though we were very small when we started and now we are much bigger, it is still a relevant payroll & HR solution for us." - Chan Leong, Founder and CEO of Skribble Group.
Watch the testimonial video here:
9. Love Kakitangan.com? Refer a friend to us! 
We believe Kakitangan.com has made HR software affordable by smaller SMEs and helped them digitalised their HR & Payroll operations. 
Refer your friend who wish to improve business continuity and upgrade to Kakitangan.com, and we will send you a token of appreciation when they subscribed with us! 
How do we do so far and how can we improve further to help you? 
Meanwhile, we would like to invite you to leave a review at our Google Review page: https://g.page/r/CWx2gOEc_9wSEBI/review
Your amazing support has been driving us to progress. As usual, your faithful Kakitangan.com is improving the system from week to week. If you notice anything strange while using Kakitangan.com, please let us know anytime at support@kakitangan.com!
Love you all,


Menara 1 Sentrum, Level 20, 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, [Sender_State] 50470

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