Maybank2E - FAQ1

  1. Please generate the file on the day and pay. else the credit date on a past day where bank cannot back date the transaction.

  2. At Payroll->Setting, update the Corporate ID: It is given by the bank, also used as log-in to Maybank. Existing Autopay customers use the same code.

  3. for Payroll, please upload file here.
    First, you may choose "Domestic Payment", or "Staff Payroll" in the Product.

According to Maybank's email to us, it should be fine for either MY COMBINE PIPE V5 or MY PAY PIPE V4 in the file format.

  1. for Statutory, please upload file at the "Statutory Body" Product, then "My Stat Body PIPE"

Here's a generic user guide of M2E, where the file upload guide is at the pg37: