We are happy to announce that you can use Kakitangan.com app from Huawei AppGallery now!
If you are not a Hadir's user, you can proceed download Kakitangan.com app from Huawei AppGallery and you may start using with no worry.
If you are a Hadir's user, a few steps more for you after downloading our app. These steps are important to ensure you enjoy the best version and service, also to remind you on the clocking and location accuracy dependency as well.
Step 1
- Go to AppGallery > Me > Check for updates
2. Make sure your AppGallery is the most updated version.
Step 2
- Go to AppGallery -> Search -> HMS Core
2. Make sure you have this downloaded (Don't need to login) and make sure it's updated as well.
Step 3
Things to do in Settings
- Settings > Apps > search and select HMS Core > Permissions > Your location must be enabled
- Settings > Apps > search and select Kakitangan.com > Permission > Your location must be enabled
HMS Core
3. Settings > Permissions > App permissions > Your location > Make sure HMS Core and Kakitangan.com both apps have been enabled
4. Settings > Security & Privacy > Location access >
A. Access my location must be enabled
B. Click on HMS Core Location, enhanced accuracy must be enabled