We understand the processing of data from leave and attendance into payroll can be a tedious work but it requires meticulous process to avoid human-made mistakes. You can put your trust to Kakitangan.com system to take care this part for you so you can put more of your time to people management. Let's take a sneak peak on how it works,

Attention to new comers, these features are available under Payroll, Leave and Hadir module. Start the trial now to give it a try by clicking on the link below!

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Module linking settings

How to enable the settings to make sure the linkage has synced?

  1. Enable Payroll and Hadir integration

Screenshot 2024-03-20 101940.png

  1. Enable Leave and Hadir integration

Screenshot 2024-03-20 102530.png

Edge scenarios

If you below are applicable to you, you may complete the setup first. If not, you can skip this section.

  • Unpaid leave - If you practice unpaid leave, you need to create unpaid leave in leave settings and define if you want to pro-rata unpaid leave in payroll settings.
  • Leave encashment - If you have employee termination scenario, you need to setup leave encashment in payroll settings as well if your company is practicing this.


After enabled settings above, you might want to know what are the impacts to your account and what are the values given from these linkages.

Scenario A

You have to manage your employees' schedules effectively to ensure they do not exceed 45 hours of work per week. Most importantly that some employees work shifts while others have set workdays, each with varying working hours. Additionally, the pay rates for overtime and public holidays differ among employees.

Setting up necessary features

  1. User group
    Configure employee groups from User group.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 150857.png
  2. Advance workday settings
    Configure the standard working hours for your employee groups from Advance workday settings.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 150644.png
  3. Advance payment type
    Configure the pay rates in advance payment type page for employees who are on attendance pay.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151044.png
  4. Shift scheduling
    Configure the shifts with pay rates synced from advance payment type page and assigned the preset user groups accordingly.
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    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151411.png


  1. You only need to set up pay rates, including overtime rates, once and ready to use for different shifts.
  2. Additional earnings and deductions can be allocated to specific user groups, and adjustments can be easily made at any time.
  3. User groups and workday groups can be set up once and are available for use in the advance payment type page and across various shifts.
  4. Payroll system will automate the calculation of an employee based on the setup above.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151613.png
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151749.png

Scenario B

You have more than one payroll admins managing a diverse team of employees who fall into various pay categories and working hours. While, some of the employees are on attendance pay and some are not.

Setting up necessary features

  1. User group
    Configure employee groups from User group.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 150857.png
  2. Manage admins
    Assign an individual person to be a payroll admin for a particular group(s) from Manage admins.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 152307.png
  3. Advance workday settings
    Configure the standard working hours for your employee groups from Advance workday settings.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 150644.png
  4. Advance payment type
    Configure the pay rates in advance payment type page for employees who are on attendance pay.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151044.png
  5. Shift scheduling
    Configure the shifts with pay rates synced from advance payment type page and assigned the preset user groups accordingly.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151358.png
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151411.png


  1. You only need to set up pay rates, including overtime rates, once and ready to use for different shifts.
  2. Additional earnings and deductions can be allocated to specific user groups, and adjustments can be easily made at any time.
  3. User groups and workday groups can be set up once and are available for use in the advance payment type page and across various shifts.
  4. Payroll system will automate the calculation of an employee based on the setup above. Furthermore, different payroll admins can access a dedicated payroll interface for their designated employee group(s) and efficiently process payroll without the need for constant monitoring of hours, rates, or calculations.
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151613.png
    Screenshot 2024-03-30 151749.png

While, we do our best to help simplify the human resource administration processes by learning from our customers' sharing. We would love to hear from your scenarios and experiences using our system, please don't hesitate to drop us your words. If you encountered any system issues, please find us at live chat or drop us an email at support@kakitangan.com.

Leave integration with Hadir Attendance
Automation is ready between both modules