Dear users, we hear your request. Let's set this up and see how the magic works!

  • Enable this feature
  • What are the impacts of this feature?
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    Attention to new comers, these features are available under Leave and Hadir module, and it gets even more convenient when you have Payroll module, feel free to click on below to check them out if you haven't!

    Purchase e-Leave, e-Attendance and Payroll

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    Manage Settings

    A new setting for this feature is available under Hadir settings -> Module Linking Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 142632.png

    Existing users

    1. Adhere Public Holiday
    • By default, this is unchecked. Upon checking on this checkbox, this would ONLY apply to all the new clock-in(s) or new attendances from today onwards.
    • If you unchecked after checked, it would impact the future attendance data.
    • Preset and custom public holidays of each locations will be covered in this setting.
    1. Adhere Leave Policies
    • By default, this is unchecked. Upon checking on this checkbox, this would ONLY apply to all the new clock-in(s) or new attendances from today onwards.
    • If you unchecked after checked, it would impact the future attendance data.
    • All the enabled leave policies in your leave settings will be covered in this setting.
    • ONLY approved leave applications will have an impact and leave type will be shown in hadir attendance.

    New sign-up users

    1. Adhere Public Holiday
    • By default, this is unchecked. If you unchecked after checked, it would ONLY impact the future attendance data.
    • Preset and custom public holidays of each locations will be covered in this setting.
    1. Adhere Leave Policies
    • By default, this is unchecked. If you unchecked after checked, it would ONLY impact the future attendance data.
    • All the enabled leave policies in your leave settings will be covered in this setting.
    • ONLY approved leave applications will have an impact and leave type will be shown in hadir attendance.

    Impacts of this feature

    When the settings are checked, these are the expected impacts,

    1. Leave

    Basically, no impact to your leave module.

    Example: I edit day type from Sick Leave to Off day in my employee's attendance today. Yes, the day type will change from Sick Leave to Off day but that's it for the record changing. System will not revert the sick leave application of your employee, so no impact to the Leave module.
    1. Hadir

    I. Today's Attendance and Absent

    You can find the most updated day type of each individual employee. Day type is subject to change when there is an approved leave action taken.

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 151341.png

    II. Present

    You can find the most updated day type of each individual employee. Day type can be edited manually by admin for record changing purposes.

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 151310.png

    III. Shift Scheduling

    Decide the rates for Public holiday standard and overtime from each individual shift.

    Screenshot 2024-03-14 151910.png

    IV. Reports

    All hadir reports will have day type updated accordingly.

    1. Payroll

    I. Setup Public Holiday rate

    Ensure you have your Public holiday rate(s) setup either in the payroll calculator page or new payment type page.

    II. Payable attendance on a public holiday

    When your employees are pay by attendance and happen to work on a public holiday, system will recognize the day is public holiday based on your setup in leave. Thus, selected public holiday rate(s) will be taken into attendance pay calculation, you can cross check through the attendance calculation page.

    For example:

    1. 14th March, 2024 is a custom holiday for Negeri Sembilan location.
    2. Elliot is an employee resided in Negeri Sembilan with an assigned shift.
    3. Below are the rates selected for his shift,
    • Standard pay rate: 1.0x, PH standard pay rate: 1.5x
    • Overtime pay rate: 2.0x, PH overtime pay rate: 3.0x
    1. Elliot has an attendance on 14th march,2024, system will pick up the PH standard and PH overtime pay rate instead to process the calculation.

    We will showcase more automations between Payroll, Leave and Hadir module in a separate article, stay tune! Hope above guidelines are helpful.  We welcome feedback or comment from you, and if you need further assistance or clarification, please send an email to or find us from live chat on the bottom right.

    Relationship between Hadir and Payroll
    Automate your time attendance pay into our Payroll system!