Dear friends of, 1. Comply with LHDN's new income tax rate by using
As you may be aware, the new income tax rate for resident individuals has been gazetted recently and takes effect on Jun 2023. You may refer to this document on LHDN's website. |
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The date in the PDF is 1st of January 2023, but please be rest assured that this update was released in June (as the effective date is 1 Jun 2023). All calculations from January until May 2023 are still correct. With this, the calculation of PCB (Potongan Cukai Bulanan, or Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) in English) must be updated with the new income tax rates. |
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When you run your payroll for June 2023, in the payroll calculator, please recalculate the payroll of all employees to reflect the changes. Here is a summary of the changes:
Are you currently using’s Payroll module? If YES, don’t worry; you are well covered with the automated cloud updates. If NO, we strongly suggest you contact our qualified Customer Success Manager to discuss how to tackle these changes by using our Payroll Module (contact If you have further inquiries and wish to understand the latest changes, please refer to the PDF or you may email, and we will help to explain further. |
2. How do you calculate your employee's overtime pay today? The amendments to the Employment Act (2022) stated that any employees with monthly wages of RM4,000 & below are entitled to overtime (OT) payment. Are you still using the traditional method? OT Form to be filled out by employees, subsequently signed by supervisors, and then submitted to HR/Finance for monthly wage calculation thereafter. |
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You may read more on this guide here, and feel free to contact us if you need any help. |
3. Early clock in on shifts There are times your employees arrive at the work place earlier and they want to clock in early. We used to preset the buffer to 30 minutes for all shifts early clock in. Now we have created a new setting allows you to determine as anytime or a certain timeframe according to your company policy. You may read more on this guide under section 4.4) |
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You may also determine that whether do you want to count the early clock in as his/her working hours or not, by selecting the checkbox on a particular shift's "Ignore Early Clock-in" section. You may read more on this guide under section 4.6) |
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Some simple scenarios on how you use these 2 settings: Scenario A You want to allow your employees to clock in earlier, but you do not want to include the earlier clock-in time as their total working hours (means you do not pay them on the extra working hours even if they come to work early) The settings: Step 1: Go to Hadir settings page, select the checkbox "Allow Early Clock-in" and choose "Anytime" or "Set time to" Step 2: Go to Hadir, go to the particular shift and click Edit. Under "Ignore Early Clock-in" section, select the checkbox. The results: Shift starts 9am and ends at 6pm. Employee came at 8am and clocked in. He worked till 6pm. His total working hours will still be 8 hours (assume lunch break 1pm-2pm is excluded) as Ignore Early Clock-in option is selected. Scenario B You want to allow your employees to clock in earlier and you will pay them the extra hours if they come to work earlier. You run a bakery shop/restaurant/retail shop. The settings: Step 1: Go to Hadir settings page, select the checkbox "Allow Early Clock-in" and choose "Anytime" or "Set time to" Step 2: Go to Hadir, go to the particular shift and click Edit. Under "Ignore Early Clock-in" section, empty the checkbox. The results: Shift starts 9am and ends at 6pm. Employee came at 8am and clocked in. He worked till 6pm. His total working hours will 9 hours (assume lunch break 1pm-2pm is excluded) as Ignore Early Clock-in option is not selected. Let us know if you need further explanation or help on this feature. |
Meanwhile, we would like to invite you to leave a review at our Google Review page: If you need expert advice on Payroll and HR matters, we have set up a Facebook Group for’s customers to seek advice. Head over to and join the conversation. Your amazing support has been driving us to progress. As usual, your faithful is improving the system from week to week. If you notice anything strange while using, please let us know anytime at! Love you all, |
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