Oh Claim system!
More and more receipts and invoices are in softcopy.
- Can I submit my claims via PC or phone? YES!
- Can I figure out amount of claims for one person last month easily? YES!
- Can I retrieve a list of claims in MS Excel? YES! (Guess what, killer feature for startup in financial due diligence)
- Can I retrieve a softcopy of the invoice/receipt easily? YES!
Exploring the claim settings:
- Choose who is the Claim admin in the company, who have the access to all people’s claims.
- Decide is it going to be approved by the manager? Or a Claim admin in your account department?
- Can people submit claim without attachment?
- [optional if you use the summary view] Monthly cut-off date for the claim summary display
- And what kind of categories you want to analyze the expense claims? Sync up with your accountant ya.
- You may setup the claim limit for the categories.
- [If you process claim together with your payroll] In your payroll setting you can setup the integration between claim system and payroll.
1) How do I submit multiple receipts in one claim?
If the receipts are under one category, on PC you can zip it up and upload to one claim. On phone camera capturing, you can stick them to an A4 paper and then hand to your account department.
If they are under different categories… you better submit multiple claims – for your accountant to get the correct numbers into accounts.
2) I am flooded with the claim submission emails!
Hmm fastest way – are you suppose to approve or someone else? In setting to determine whether it’s manager or Claim admin.
Secondly, you can route the emails to a specific folder in your inbox. And tell your colleagues to submit claim from when to when, then you login into the system to approve all in one go.
3) Does the claim system link to the banks?
Urgh, not yet. So the “settle claim” in the system is really a marking on the claim entries that makes accountant life easier – eg knowing which one paid out already and which one is not.
4) Ok how do I speak to our auditor?
Firstly, many of your tax invoices are in softcopy already. When they need to spot check, then get it printed out.
Secondly, many F&B receipts already faded and can't see already... ok print the picture out - that's an improvement.
Finally, you can still keep a hardcopy.
how to setup Kakitangan.com so you can automate the max for your payroll and people operation /onboarding-your-company-to-kakitangan-com-for-the-first-time/